Our Fractured Minds

OFM S2 E2: Suicidal Ideation w/ JMatt, Radio DJ

Episode Summary

In this episode I speak with JMatt, a radio DJ out of Milwaukee about his own experiences with suicidal ideation and how they led to his work as an advocate for mental health.

Episode Notes

In this episode I speak with JMatt, a radio DJ out of Milwaukee about his own experiences with suicidal ideation and how they led to his work as an advocate for mental health.

JMatt--the weekend radio DJ for 103.7 Kiss FM in Milwaukee--is a mental health advocate that promotes suicide awareness and prevention through his daily Instagram videos for the #22PushupChallenge (he’s up to 475 days in a row and counting). With his career in digital media strategy, he knows the power that social media can have around creating a community around a cause - his goal in creating social content is to get resources out to those that are in pain and struggling! JMatt is making an effort to be open about his own experiences with mental health disorders, including depression and suicidal ideation.

During the episode we also touch on Trichotillomania, ADD, and the tragic reality of the US Veteran suicide rate.