Our Fractured Minds

S2 E3: Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault w/ Kristen Lo, Surviver

Episode Summary

A conversation about dealing with PTSD, depression, and anxiety following an attack on one's self and having to manage the fallout from domestic abuse and sexual assault.

Episode Notes

This week's episode is conversation about dealing with PTSD, depression, and anxiety following an attack on one's self and having to manage the fallout from domestic abuse and sexual assault.

Our guest, Kristen Lo, is a self-proclaimed professional dog wrangler and conqueror of Netflix specials. She hails from the little Caribbean nation of Belize, and immigrated to Canada at a young age. She spent time exploring the Canadian wilderness ever since. Kristen's currently finishing up her Bachelors in Biology at the University of Toronto and hopes to one day become a veterinarian or doctor. Either way, she believes herself ready for the apocalypse.

She’s joined us this week in order to share an experience she had as a freshly minted adult of 18. Kristen found herself in an abusive relationship. Though she eventually gained the courage to leave her abuser she's since been diagnosed with PTSD, depression, and anxiety. She came on the show to discuss her story for the first time and the experiences she's had with coping with the trauma, navigating the legal system, and dealing with contact from her abuser.